left biblioblography: THE OTHER RELUCTANT ATHEIST

Monday, August 21, 2006


Yes, there’s another one. No, it’s not me, nor is it my evil twin. (The sighs of relief are audible, even from here).

There’s this Catholic lady named Jen, at http://et-tu.blogspot.com/, who apparently has the same monicker. We’re both white people: that’s about where the similarity ends. She claims she’s been an atheist, until recently (approximately the same month I started my website, wouldn’t ya know?), where she had an epiphany while at the doctor’s. She started at the http://thereluctantatheist.blogspot.com, but has moved to the former link.

Nice enough, but mostly, the blogs aren’t much more than mutual admiration meeting places; they do a vanilla bit of criticizing atheists, no real hot topics. Kinda ho-hum, no spirited discussions.

I dropped in, said a hello of sorts, shot off my mouth a bit, and was studiously ignored. Man, am I heart-broken! Hehehehe. I played the troll, I suppose, but I think I was polite.

For my regular readers, a monicker change is in the offing: I will announce it in a post, and list my rationale for doing so.

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Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

Hey there! I thought your comments were interesting but just didn't want to get into a debate. My blog is pretty one-sided right now because with a newborn and a toddler I don't have the time/mental energy to get into debates. I think my answer to any tough questions posed would be, "Dhuuuh, urr...". Or then again I could always resort to the 'ol Southern Baptist standby of "Shut up you're going to hell!"

Best of luck with your site. Let me know if you want a link from my Reluctant Atheist site so that anyone looking for you can find you.

Krystalline Apostate said...

Hi Jennifer:
My blog is pretty one-sided right now because with a newborn and a toddler I don't have the time/mental energy to get into debates.
I'm surprised that you had the time to come visit, & thus, I thank you.
I think my answer to any tough questions posed would be, "Dhuuuh, urr...". Or then again I could always resort to the 'ol Southern Baptist standby of "Shut up you're going to hell!"
Oy, I thought you were Catholic? ;)
A link would be fine, if you're not too harried. ;). Thanks.

Jerret said...

Oooh. Can we trade links also? I asked in my comment, but it was surrounded by discussion, so you very easily could've missed it. ^^.