(Hat tip to Pharyngula)
As an aside, I just watched This Film Is Not Yet Rated. A snippet:
Much of the film's press coverage was devoted to Dick and his crew's use of a private investigator to unmask the identities of the ratings and appeals-board members, a feat that had never been accomplished before, although 60 Minutes and other news organizations have tried.
Other revelations in the film include: the discovery that many ratings-board members either have children 18 and over or have no children at all (typically, the MPAA has suggested it hires only parents with children between the ages of 5 and 17); that the board seems to treat homosexual material much more harshly than heterosexual material (this assertion is supported by an MPAA spokesperson’s statement in USA Today that "We don't create standards; we just follow them"); that the board's raters receive no training and are deliberately chosen because of their lack of expertise in media literacy or child development; that senior raters have direct contact in the form of required meetings with studio personnel after movie screenings; and that the MPAA's appeals-board is just as secretive as the ratings board, its members being mostly movie theater chain and studio executives. Also included on the appeals-board are two members of the clergy (one Catholic and one Episcopalian, who may or may not have voting power).
I wish I could say I found all this amazing, or shocking, but sadly, it's not. Some cultural cabal is running interference in order to save our precious bodily fluids from being sullied.
And then there's good ole Ray Comfort, of banana fame:
Did you know that there was a time when the entertainment industry was bound by a code that forbade them from using any blasphemy in a movie? The “Hays Code” stated:
Pointed profanity--this includes the words “God,” “Lord,” “Jesus,” “Christ” (unless used reverently), “Hell,” “S.O.B.,” “damn,” or every other profane or vulgar expression, however used--is forbidden.
Hollywood is no longer restricted by the code. Many of today's movies don't simply blaspheme the name of Jesus. They go one further. For example, the award-winning Blow, directed by Ted Demme, is a typical R-rated film. The name of Jesus Christ is blasphemed eleven times in the movie. Three of those times, for some reason, the "F" word is used in the middle of His name.
Yeah, Ray-Ray, I knew about that (didn't know the name of the 'code').
Welcome to America. It's called Freedom of Speech. Don't like it?

Three of those times, for some reason, the "F" word is used in the middle of His name.
That's the only way to say it, isn't it?
Heya, John!
I always liked 'Jesus H. F*&%ing Christ on a jumped up boxcar' for some reason.
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