Due to a recent blogversation, I learned about Susan Greenfield (she was being quoted WAY out of context by a theist, what a surprise). While hunting about, I stumbled on this video:

An atheist's viewpoints on religion, government, culture, adding friction to the fray. Will be talking about books occasionally, hence the title. Blunt, mocking (gently & otherwise), shootin' straight from the hip (hopefully), a dash of humor w/liberal doses of cynicism. Enjoy.
Due to a recent blogversation, I learned about Susan Greenfield (she was being quoted WAY out of context by a theist, what a surprise). While hunting about, I stumbled on this video:
i did. enjoy. thanks.
That clip must have been quite a few years ago as it showed a civil discussion between those of theistic faith and those without it.
TMT - you're welcome, love.
BBIM - I think those civil discussions are still about: it's just getting to be more of a rare event.
The editing was somewhat choppy, but it was interesting nonetheless. Don't know why they didn't edit out that Christian in the audience. He seemed somewhat superfluous to the discussion.
The idea of consolation as to the afterlife is probably the only thing that bothers me about my atheist view that there is none, but not the reasons stated by the bereavement counselor. I'm going to hate dying because I won't be able to see how this life turns out after I'm gone, not because there is no heaven,or I won't see my mother again. I just like it here.
In a recent post on my blog, a commenter touched on this, and I agree with him.
Congrats for an active blog. See my Blog with resources that may be of your interest: http://multifaith.blogspot.com/
By the way, how do you get the scrolling, ping effect and updatedness, etc. as visible in your Blogroll?
Do we need any script, or need to be a subscriber of http://rpc.blogrolling.com?
pl reply to me at mt2222 yahoo dot com
Best wishes, MT
Hi Mohamed.
I'm not in a faith of any sort, but it may prove interesting.
The atheist blogroll is a javascript script, you should be able to set the ping in your settings (old or new Blogger), counters & site trackers are at sitemeter.com & blogpatrol.com. Subscription info can be located at feedburner.com.
I'm going to hate dying because I won't be able to see how this life turns out after I'm gone, not because there is no heaven,or I won't see my mother again. I just like it here.
Reality's a harsh mistress, my friend.
I think I've done a few essays on the afterlife & that romantic yearning we experience, that somehow we'll all go on after the rat race has declared a winner.
john p:
Yeah, I thought the 'testimony' of the xtian was outta place too. As you're probably aware, the slant is always to the religions.
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