(Note: YATAJ = Yet Another Theory About Jesus)
So here we have another…odd duck. One Billy Meier, with the (so-far-out-in-left-field-it-may-as-well-be-Pluto) theory that’s literally out of this world.
From here:
“This discovery occurred in 1963 as Swiss citizen and then world-traveler, Eduard Albert Meier, and his older friend, an ex-Greek-Orthodox priest, Isa Rashid, were walking along a roadway just south of the Old City of Jerusalem late one afternoon. Meier happened to glance up the slope and notice a small opening in the ground amongst the rocks and shrubs. According to Meier's much later recollection in August of 1997, this hole was about 30 cm, or a foot, on a side. Being curious, he reached into his packsack for his flashlight and peered into the hole to notice that it continued inwards. So he and Rashid proceeded to dig away rocks and earth until the hole was large enough that they could crawl inside. It was an old tomb site, half filled in with earth. After further digging and exploring inside it they discovered, buried underneath a flat rock, a bundle which they took back with them to Rashid's abode; it was about 60 cm in length and 25 cm wide. The bundle turned out to contain the Talmud of Jmmanuel (or TJ) in the form of rolls of written sheets, along with a few small artifacts. They had been wrapped up together in animal skin, which was in turn encased in resin, by then dry and crumbly, but recalled to have been black on the outside and yellowish-brown on the inside. There were four rolls, each of which contained many leaves or pages of Aramaic writing. They were obviously old and fragile but the writing was clearly legible. Meier recalls that each leaf was roughly 30cm by 40cm in size, or somewhat larger than the European AID A4 size of paper, which is 21cm by 29.4cm. He is not sure if they were made of very thin, translucent parchment or of papyrus. “
Oh, great, doing it from memory. Reminds me of that old ‘strong oral tradition’ crap the religious keep spewing.
Rashid, who could read most of the old Aramaic due to his Palestinian background on his father's side, soon noted that the TJ was heretical in several respects. For one, its title involved Jmmanuel (i.e., Immanuel, spelled with a J symbol supplying the "i" sound in place of the Aramaic/Hebrew letter "Ayin") rather than Jesus or Y'shua. For another, its writer was given as Judas Iscariot, the supposed betrayer. For a third, it mentioned that Adam's father had been Semjasa, the leader of the celestial sons, who were El’s, or God's guardian angels, and who were "distant travelers." Thus it was apparent from the beginning that if they wished this document ever to become public, its translation would have to proceed in secret. The Old Testament God had been an extraterrestrial leader rather than a "Father" in heaven. We shall be referring to him by his title of El, as in Immanuel.”
Holy crap, is this guy the love child of von Däniken, or what?
So you may ask (and rightly so, indeed), where oh where is this earth-shaking document?
Well, according to the website, Meier and Rashid parted company, and Rashid Isa (Isa: does this name ring a bell with anyone else?) sent Meier a communication:
“This letter briefly explained that his translation project had become known to certain authorities, forcing him to flee from Jerusalem, together with his family, the TJ rolls and further translations, to a refugee camp in Lebanon. But his presence there became known to Israeli authorities, and the camp was heavily bombed, forcing him to flee again, this time to Baghdad, where he posted the letter to Meier. However, he and his family, like the other refugees, had to flee so suddenly that Rashid had no time to retrieve the Aramaic rolls or his further translations of them, and they were destroyed in the resulting conflagration.
In 1976 Meier learned that Rashid and his family were assassinated in Baghdad, making him (Meier) the only known surviving witness to the TJ's discovery and historicity.”
While I’m not one to scoff at another’s misfortune, the ‘sole survivor’ scenario is sketchy, and a little convenient.
One Jim Deardoff, a retired research emeritus professor (in oceanic and atmospheric sciences), is the ‘keeper of the keys’, so to speak. Also, a conspiracy theorist way out there. I mean mesospheric, boys and girls. From here:
“Maintenance of the UFO Coverup
That there is a UFO coverup can scarcely be denied (Fawcett & Greenwood, 1984; Good, 1988; Greer, 1999, pp. 301-312; Maccabee, 2000). It has been maintained through the voluntary wishes of about half the population, particularly persons in position of authority, as well as by the various governmental agencies that established the UFO ridicule factor.”
That almost sounds rational, doesn’t it?
“This factor has been especially effective in causing the UFO topic to be taboo for scientists. However, the coverup has also been maintained by the UFO aliens themselves (Douglass, 2001). This should be obvious, considering the several hundred-thousand screened UFO reports since 1947, many multiply attested, in which the aliens could have made their appearances definite or could have stayed in one place long enough for the news media to gather and present the event to the world—that is, if the aliens had wished to allow this and show how easily they could, in self-defense, defeat the military forces that would converge upon the scene. Instead, not only the multitudinous sightings and landing-trace evidence, but abductions, crop-circle formations and cattle mutilations have all been accomplished covertly, without leaving sufficiently firm evidence behind to satisfy most ufologists. “
Just as there are some folks who should never do drugs, apparently, there’s folks who shouldn’t be allowed within arm’s reach of science fiction.
Some of his takes on the TJ are pretty funny:
· Is Genesis 6:1-2 more than just a metaphor:
When men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose.
· Were the gospels written by the men whose names are attached to them? Who wrote the source for the first Gospel? Why weren't the Gospels referred to by name prior to about mid-2nd century?
· What gave rise to the tradition that the Gospel of Mark is connected to the disciple Peter?
· Was there something to the "immaculate conception?" Was the angel Gabriel, who figures prominently in Luke 1:26-38, involved with it?
· Why does Luke imply that the year of birth of Jesus/Jmmanuel was in A.D. 6 while Matthew implies it was a year or two before 4 B.C.? Which gospel is correct?
· Why was his name said to be Jesus if the Isaiah prophecy was for a messiah with the name Immanuel?
· Why do so many biblical events seem like they involve UFOs and ETs? This includes the star of Bethlehem, the angels, whether seen in dreams or real life, the voice coming down from the heavens during the baptism at the river Jordan, and the Ascension.
· Why do the Old Testament and Matthew portray God as a male being, who can wrestle with Jacob or sit on his throne, while in the Gospel of John (4:24) "he" is spirit? Is God a physical, humanoid male or a spiritual consciousness?
· Were all or most of those miraculous healings by Jesus/Jmmanuel actually real? How could he do it? Why does Matthew's version of the healings usually read like a remembered version of events, with some details forgotten, in comparison with Mark's version?
· Why do some Gospel verses indicate that the "kingdom of God/heaven" is a present place in the sky, while others indicate it is a future realm to be?
· Why are there some verses in Matthew that imply Jesus/Jmmanuel was speaking about reincarnation? And why are there other verses that sound like admonitions based upon karma?
· Why do some Gospel verses say that Jesus/Jmmanuel would come again soon, or the End Days would be soon, while others indicate that the end would not come until much later?
· Why does the Holy Communion sacrament of bread and wine (body and blood) so strongly resemble the ancient ritual stemming from Mithraism?
· What was the true significance of the sign of Jonah (Jonah in the "whale")?
· How were the detailed words of Jesus/Jmmanuel within the Gospels known in those circumstances when no witnesses were around to hear them?
· How can we explain the betrayal of Jesus/Jmmanuel by Judas Iscariot for a mere 30 pieces of silver when, as treasurer of the Twelve, he would frequently have collected much more than that?
· How does one account for the appearances of Jesus/Jmmanuel to his disciples after his entombment, with a body having crucifixion wounds partially healed, and with an appetite for eating fish?
· Why did Saul/Paul, before his conversion, pursue and persecute the disciples if he had never met Jesus/Jmmanuel or heard him teach? How did Saul know, during his conversion event, that it was really Jesus/Jmmanuel who was speaking to him, if he had never heard his voice before, and was blinded by the light? How come the men with Saul also heard the voice, on the Road to Damascus?
· Why are there so many traditions indicating that Jesus/Jmmanuel, along with mother Mary and Judas-Thomas, traveled through Anatolia and eastward to India and Kashmir, in years following the crucifixion?
And there you have it: all those pesky questions answered that have bothered humanity since time immemorial: ET DID IT.
Honestly, I’d be delighted to find out that life on earth was brought about by extra-terrestrials. I can see Fox News going absolutely apeshit over that one, you betcha. Pat Robertson bursting a vein while trying to explain that it’s the ‘Devil’s work’. I can see the movie trailers now: The Asimov Code.
So we have here a world wanderer (sorry, traveler), who makes this monumental discovery with someone who no one can prove ever existed (that Isa last name still bugs me to no end), and said document is nowhere to be found.
Final analysis: HOAX.

Welcome. I rather like your nick (luckily, I don't need digitalis, hehehehe).
now as far as this is concerned I see alien life the same as I see jesus and gods supernatural until proven no evidence provible by science no evidence to be presented to me.
As well it should be.
oh and if your keeping track thats seven blogs I have going. and three screen names.
Aye caramba! I thought I had a lot to say.
At first it sounded like they found another copy of the Dead Sea scrolls. Then it got all stupid with the aliens shit. Lol I believe in aliens, but not how one might think of them. Life has been found on Mars, but the life there is nanomicroscopic. Life can live almost anywhere as long as there is water(and wether water is need or not is debatable) add certain elements(i.e, the sun) and life becomes more complex. I tend to think that the life forms formed in a galaxy are stuck in its own galaxy. There could be a whole nother universe out there exactly like ours, but we would never be able to pass from one galaxy to the next cuz of black holes. This is just how I understand it and can probably use some corrections on what seperates our planets from other systems out there. I am no cosmo scientist and bearly understand it, but I am at least smart enough to know that large headed big eyed or superhuman aliens from another planet just do not exist and have never existed.
When ancient texts mention giants they are more than likely talking about another race of peoples that are larger in stature. It is well known that white people are usually bigger in all aspects compared to those of asian and middle eastern descent. And most archaeologist agree that the first invasions came from a people of larger stature from the north in the ancient world.
Lately because of the books by Ahmed Osman I've read, I have taken a bit of an interest in the Dead Sea Scrolls. In 'The Hebrew Pharaohs Of Egypt' Osman says that Jesus was known as Joshua and was worshipped way back in the OT times as well. I have one more book by Osman that I am going to start reading here as soon as I finish that last few pages of Moses and Akhenaten by Osman called 'Jesus in the House of Pharaohs. It says more about the 'Essene' that is from the Dead sea scrolls. There are a few more theories by others that I still want to read, but I have to say Osman's theory is quite strong and backed by much archaeological finds.
There is one book I am buying on payday by Acharya S called the 'Suns of God'. I dont know why I havent got it yet, I have been looking in book stores for it but its never there, like most of the books I want to read. Its another one of those real contraversial books I love so much and will have to order it online, like I have to with all the others.
and yes I do have alot to say but then I dont you know I couldve put every thing on one blog but since each blog is somewhat focused on certain audiences why should I.
Hey, it was just an observation.
and yes you do have alot to say you just can put in a much better way then me my writing tends to be harsh and to the point or very visual and graphic.
Well, each writer must develop his/her own voice. That just takes practice, is all. & you are coming along quite well, actually.
I should send you some of my short stories if I can find the cdrom with them.
I'd be happy to give 'em a gander, if you so desire.
I must warn you, though: I'm a very harsh critic when it comes to the written word.
At first it sounded like they found another copy of the Dead Sea scrolls. Then it got all stupid with the aliens shit. Lol I believe in aliens, but not how one might think of them. Life has been found on Mars, but the life there is nanomicroscopic.
I recall many yrs ago, an article appeared in the S.F Chronicle, about extraterrestrial microorganisms found in our drinking water. I kid you not, same article appeared in the Ntl. Enquirer 6 mos. later.
Lately because of the books by Ahmed Osman I've read, I have taken a bit of an interest in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Hey, wow, you sure do a lot of research. Totally cool.
There are a few more theories by others that I still want to read, but I have to say Osman's theory is quite strong and backed by much archaeological finds.
Well, you've piqued my interest. Which 1 do you recommend the most?
Man shit! I just sat here for a half hour typing all about the books Ive been reading and I accidentally hit the V instead of the C to coppy it just incase it didnt post correctly and lost everything I typed. AHHHHH! I hate when that happens! And
I dont have time to type it all out again right now, so I will have to try to post again this afternoon. Sorry about that RA, but I will respond cuz there is a lot of goodies about the books I want to tell you. You are going to love it! I promise!
Man shit! I just sat here for a half hour typing all about the books Ive been reading and I accidentally hit the V instead of the C to coppy it just incase it didnt post correctly and lost everything I typed.
Did you try Ctrl-Z? Usually, that undos what was done.
and ra Ill send you some of the stories as soon as I can find them I have a big tote full of cdroms gonna hafta go though them.
Let's do that piecemeal, my friend.
Bits & pieces.
But be forewarned: I am a very tough critic.
I recall in my 20's, I lived in Chico. During that time, I wrote a fantasy novel (reborn Atlantean twins in the modern age, 1 evil, 1 good). I showed it to all my 'friends' there. They all said it was good.
I moved back to Pleasanton (where I grew up), & showed it to my old friends. 2 of them laughed their asses off, & told me to burn it.
It was that awful. Pure drivel.
I'd rather hear what I need to know, rather than what I want to hear.
I started with the book 'The Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt'. Osman makes his agruement based on the findings of Yuya's tomb in the valley of the kings in 1905. Yuya wasnt of royal blood but did serve Tuthmose IV and Amenhotep III as a high minister, advisor, and chariotry administer. The most outstanding thing about this mummy was his Semitic appearence. The mummy now lies in his coffen at the Cairo museum. In one of Yuyas cartouches bears the name Father to Pharaoh. No one really knew what to think about the findings of the Semitic looking mummy and kind of just forgot about it. Then one day when Osman was reading the bible about Joseph and he noticed that Joseph called himself one of Yuyas Titles when he said to his brothers "it was not you who sent me hither, but god: and he made me a father to Pharaoh and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout the land of Egypt".(Genesis 45:8)
Osman claims that the history of Yuya matches the history of Joseph and he goes on to show how Amenhotep III married Yuya's daughter and made her the Queen of Egypt. Therefore making him the grandfather of Amenhotep IV(Akhenaten/Moses) who did not die on the throne but was abdicated for his own saftey and built a city Tell el Amarna where he continued to cause problems then latter fled to Mount Sinai.
Man, shoot! i have to go to the stupid commissary. So, I will have to finish this latter if I can. If not tomorrow morning.
Ok, found some time this evening.:)
The next book I read by Osman was 'Moses and Akhenaten'. In this book he makes the argument that moses was Akhenaten and does a good job at showing how their history matches. Osman makes the claim that the exodus occurred more than 2 centries later than had been thought,and that the sojourn lasted four generations not four centries. He does a through job, but I got a little lost with all the dates and titles of the four Amarna kings that were the descendents of Joseph and the nineteenth dynasty kings that wanted to do away with the history of the Amarna Kings and felt the need to inslave and punish the hebrews as a way to punish the Hebrew kings for trying to do away with their Gods and replacing it with their own one god. One thing he mentions that caught my attention was that Moses had a magic Staff that turned into a snake. Being that moses was a Pharaoh and departed with his royal staff(that would have has a cobra head at the top of it) and the proof that he was the heir to the throne wich he tried to regain after the death of his son Tutankhamun. (Exodus 4:2-4)
I am reading 'Jesus in the House of Pharaohs' now and this book goes more into information about the Dead Sea Scrolls. Here is where he points out that the dead sea scrolls are the OT's equivalent to the Gnostic gospels and that there were christians durring the OT times. Followers of Joshua/jesus/Tutankhamun Moses/akhenatens son. Apparently not much of the dead sea scrolls have been made avaliable for futher examination and remains in Jeruselum under lock and key.(There must be some things in the scrolls that throw a big ass monkey wrench in the Jewish beliefs as well as christians.) But what little that was allowed to be examined points to the very first Gnostic sects looking upon Jesus as an historical figure, a successor to moses. They believed the first coming had already happened, but that Jesus had been rejected by the isrealites hierarchy and executed by the wicked Preist. Among these sects were the Quran Essenes. They were the owners of the library of dead sea scrolls that date from the second centry B.C. and contain some elements of the birth and death of Jesus.
Thats as far as I have gotten so far and I'm only starting in chapter 7 out of 30 something. This book just keeps getting better and better with every chapter so I will keep you updated.:)
Some links I thought you guys might be interested in. :)
Writings from the dead sea scrolls
info about the talmud.
This last book by Osman I am reading is like a biblical soap opra. Its full of scandles. I love this kind of stuff!
Ok, this is the theory. It starts with Abram and Sarai (before their name change) went to Egypt and Abram told the Pharaoh Tuthmosis III/AKA King David that Sarai was his sister cuz he didnt want to be killed for being the husband of a beautiful woman. Well, when the couple gets to egypt the pharaoh takes Sarai as a wife. When the pharaoh finds out that Sarai is married to Abram he sent them away. This is where their names changed to Abraham and Sarah. Osman claims their name change has to do with new royal titles due to the Pharaoh actually fathering Sarahs child Isaac.
That is why Abraham was going to kill the child, but had a change of mind cuz Isaac would be his meal ticket since they were in a time of famine. Abraham had a son name Ishmeal with Sarahs Egyptian maid named Hagar(which was the nurse and wet nurse the paraoh sent with them since Sarah was carrying his child)who Abraham took as a secound wife. Osman goes on to prove through archaeological findings, Egyptian texts, the Karan and the bible that Isaac was the older between him and Ishmeal, and points out how other stories were added in between story lines to divert attention away from the fact that Sarah had returned pregnant with the Pharaohs child and not Abraham and that there are two lines of descent and Abraham is NOT the ancestor of the Isrealites but the Ishmealites. This is why the missiah would come from the line of david the true father of the Isrealites, Tuthmosis III/King David.
Osmans books are like biblical mystery solving books as well and I love a good mystery. lol
Sorry about taking over the thread here, but I thought you and maybe others would be interested in some of the other theories about Jesus and biblical figures. :)
Holy crap. That sounds like a biblical version of 'As the world turns'.
Another reason for the name change is that maybe Abe 'n Sarah wanted to pull the same stunt on Abilemech.
Fascinating stuff. Thx.
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