left biblioblography: More On The Madness Of Muslims: The Bloody Hands Of The Boko Haram

Sunday, March 06, 2016

More On The Madness Of Muslims: The Bloody Hands Of The Boko Haram

Feel the white-knuckled outrage:

Boko Haram carnage in Nigeria: over 60 dead, «the children were burned alive»

At least 65 people were killed in the attack committed by militants of the Islamist group Boko Haram on the outskirts of Maiduguri in northeast Nigeria.
According to the armed forces of Nigeria, were attacked the village of Galore, located a few kilometres East of Maiduguri.
AFP referring to escaped the massacre of the bacoor Alumina eyewitness reports that the militants threw the incendiary bomb hut, and inside were heard the cries of the dying, including children.
According to him, the massacre lasted about four hours.
It concluded that in the crowd of inhabitants who had fled to a neighboring village, exploded three suicide bombers.
The real number of victims may far exceed current estimates, as are murdered in the surrounding Bush where they were hunted by extremists.
Boko Haram («Western education is a sin» in the Hausa language) — an Islamist group operating in the North and North-East of Nigeria. The militants also attacked the neighbouring countries of Niger, Cameroon and Chad, reminds «Interfax».
Boko Haram is seeking to establish an Islamic Caliphate and the imposition of Sharia (Islamic law) throughout Nigeria. It is against Western education, democracy and the principle of separation of powers, and also against wearing Western clothes and all the other elements of the «alien» culture. The extremists frequently attack Christian communities and churches and educational institutions.
In March 2015 the group has sworn allegiance to the terrorist organization «Islamic state» (banned in Russia).

Mad dogs all. Xenophobic psychopaths who hide their inhumanity behind religion. Bloody handed bastards who have abdicated reason for the crazy voices in their heads telling them to wash away the ‘sins’ of others in blood, to ignore the cries of the innocent dying, to revel in wrongness because ‘Allah’ (peanut butter and jelly be upon him) had some pedophiliac illiterate dictate astonishing nonsenses.
The desert does not create great men: it parboils their brains and puts sand up their asses, driving them insane, giving them crazy ideas about how to conserve bodily fluids.
The Boko Haram are rabid animals, unworthy of the designation ‘human’.
Till the next post then.

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